US-103 – Transmission and Sharing of Electronic Information


All Fleming College electronic information that is electronically or physically transmitted is at risk of being intercepted and copied by unauthorized parties. Users of Fleming systems have a responsibility to protect this information, according to its classification level and safeguards described in the College’s Information Security Classification Operating Procedure (OP #6- 604A)



All Fleming College electronic information that is electronically or physically transmitted is at risk of being intercepted and copied by unauthorized parties. Users of Fleming systems have a responsibility to protect this information, according to its classification level and safeguards described in the College’s Information Security Classification Operating Procedure (OP #6- 604A)

This document defines standards on how to transmit or share Fleming electronic information in a secure manner.

The Fleming College ITS Service Desk is available to assist users with any questions on how to securely transmit and share electronic information. The Chief Technology Officer has issued this User Standard under the authority of College Policy 6-604 Electronic Information Security Policy.

Use the link below to the view the standard in full: 

US-103 – Transmission and Sharing of Electronic Information




Article ID: 10419
Tue 7/23/24 9:30 AM
Thu 7/25/24 10:33 AM

