Fleming College External Email Banners



External banners are used to alert users when they receive emails from external senders. This helps in identifying potential phishing attempts and enhances email security.


Fleming has configured the following banner for all incoming email that is not from an internal @flemingcollege.ca email address. These banners are typically a visual indicator, such as a text banner at the top of the email, informing the recipient that the email originated from outside the organization. This helps identify fraud attempts and raise caution when viewing external emails, files and links.

Benefits of External Banners

  1. Enhanced Security: Helps users quickly identify emails from external sources, reducing the risk of phishing and other email-based attacks.
  2. User Awareness: Increases awareness among users about the origin of the emails they receive.
  3. Compliance: Assists in meeting organizational policies and compliance requirements regarding email security.


Some services and vendors send emails on behalf of Fleming College and exempt from the banner, also known as trusted. A few examples are:

  • Admissions
  • Financial Aid
  • Desire to Learn (D2L)
  • International

External Banner Example

"CAUTION: This email originated from an external sender. Do not click links, open attachments or respond unless you recognize the sender and verify the content is safe. Please report any concerns to the ITS Service Desk."



Article ID: 10763
Mon 9/16/24 1:08 PM
Mon 9/16/24 4:39 PM