LabFind: Installation and connection


Request LabFind & VPN Remote Access: This service is available to students and faculty by request only.


  • Request LabFind & VPN Remote Access: This service is available to students and faculty by request only. 
  • Connect to Fleming VPN.
  • Visit the LabFind website’t forget step #1, website not available without an active VPN connection.)
  • Select a Computer Lab (software varies per campus) and pick a specific computer by clicking the [ Connect ] button.
  • Click the [ Download ] button to download the Remote Desktop Connection string file (*.rdp).
  • In your browser’s Downloads folder, double-click the RDP file to open your remote desktop client application and initiate the connection.
    • Mac Users: You may need to download an RDP client:
  • To login you must use adroot\username, this is your Fleming username and password.  Eg., adroot\jsmith (You can safely ignore any warnings about certificate errors)

Don’t forget to logoff/disconnect your remote desktop connection & disconnect the VPN when finished.

***************Mac Users********************

If you cannot connect to Global Protect

  • From your Mac dock, launch System Preferences.
  • Open the Security & Privacy preferences and then select General.
  • Click the lock icon on the bottom left of the window to make changes and modify preferences.
  • When prompted, enter the username and password you use to log on to your Mac, then click Unlock.
  • Click Allow next to the message System software from developer Palo Alto Networks was blocked from loading.
  • If you are still unable to connect after following these steps, please restart your computer and try to connect again.



Article ID: 9476
Fri 4/12/24 4:26 PM
Fri 5/17/24 11:53 AM