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This Service Level Agreement (SLA) covers the provision of multi-media classroom and lab support for timetabled activity, Monday to Friday.
This procedure defines the actions and responsibilities of the College users when a request is made to access another users’ account data.
Computers and other information technology (IT) resources are essential tools in accomplishing the College's mission. The College’s IT Resources are valuable assets to be used and managed responsibly to ensure their security, integrity, and availability for appropriate use in legitimate academic, administrative and research activities. Members of the College Community are granted access to these resources in support of accomplishing the College’s mission.
While legal names are the standard requirement to be used in official academic records, students, both current and former, are able to change a Preferred first name recorded on their record. The College must balance its duty to protect the integrity of the academic and financial processes and records with the student’s best interests and Human Rights when using a name which may differ from their legal name, but is consistent with their identity.
Need some help with adding a GNED or program elective to your timetable?  Check out our new video tutorials for step by step assistance.
Need some help with adding classes to your timetable? Check out our new video tutorial for step by step assistance.
Need some help with dropping classes from your timetable? Check out our new video tutorial for step by step assistance.
Need some help with adding classes to your timetable?  Check out our new video tutorials for step by step assistance.
Information is a valuable asset and access to it must be managed with care to ensure that confidentiality, integrity, and availability are maintained. This procedure outlines the rules relating to authorizing, monitoring, and controlling access to Fleming accounts, information and information systems.
Fleming College collects, creates, and maintains information resources to operate the College and is required to handle that information responsibly through controls and data governance practices. This procedure provides direction on handling electronic information with direction on creating, collecting, classifying, labelling, securing, storing, using, copying, transferring, and disposing of information.
Fleming students and staff often study and work using personal computing devices belonging to the individual, not the college. This practice is commonly known as Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). his standard defines the responsibilities and expectations of Fleming users when studying or working from a personal BYOD device, both on and off campus.
All Fleming College electronic information that is electronically or physically transmitted is at risk of being intercepted and copied by unauthorized parties. Users of Fleming systems have a responsibility to protect this information, according to its classification level and safeguards described in the College’s Information Security Classification Operating Procedure (OP #6- 604A)
Encryption is the process of making information unreadable to protect it from unauthorized access. After information has been encrypted, a secret key or password is needed to unencrypt it and make it readable again.
All Fleming users are responsible for maintaining the security of their Fleming user account(s). The primary method of doing so is to ensure that you have a strong and unique password known only to you.
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that, in the event of a disaster, the College has appropriate and efficient plans in place to address business continuity. The objective is to ensure the timely recovery and return to service of all business-critical IT resources.