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Computers and other information technology (IT) resources are essential tools in accomplishing the College's mission. The College’s IT Resources are valuable assets to be used and managed responsibly to ensure their security, integrity, and availability for appropriate use in legitimate academic, administrative and research activities. Members of the College Community are granted access to these resources in support of accomplishing the College’s mission.
This policy (the “Policy”) describes how the College will take the necessary steps to prepare for a disaster that impacts the business continuity of the College as supported by the College’s information technology (IT) resources and services.
This policy (the “Policy”) provides Fleming College with direction on the confidentiality and integrity of the College’s electronic information assets and records. Fleming College collects, creates, and maintains information to operate the College, and is required to manage that information in a responsible manner through data governance practices and controls.
This policy (the “Policy”) provides Fleming College with direction on the management of Information Technology (IT) user accounts to ensure individuals have the appropriate access to systems, software, and information to fulfil their role, while also ensuring that the College’s information systems are appropriately protected and used.
This IT policy (the “Policy”) established a framework for all information technology (IT) policies, operating procedures, and standards at Fleming College. 

The purpose of this Policy is to set out the roles & responsibilities of the College Community regarding information technology policies and standards. It also establishes the requirement for an information security management system (ISMS) and alignment of College IT policy and standards with fit-for-purpose industry frameworks.
Fleming College policies are approved by Fleming College’s Board of Governors and operating procedures are approved by Fleming College’s Senior Management Team.