Information Sensitivity Labels


With the introduction of Fleming’s new 6-604 Electronic Information Security Policy & OP #6-604A Information Security Classification Procedure Information Sensitivity labels, (also known as Data Classification labels), have been formally established at the College. Every member of the college community has the responsibility to protect sensitive College information entrusted to them. Using sensitivity labels helps to clearly identify the amount of risk and care that must be taken when handling data. Each sensitivity level has associated handling instructions for things such as labelling, access control, storage and email restrictions.

Please see OP #6-604A Information Security Classification Procedure – Appendix B for full details.

How To

The proper handling of sensitive information can be achieved in your daily work by following these practices and tools:

Things to Avoid

Avoid these practices to ensure College information is protected at all times:

  • Downloading and saving sensitive information to a personal (non-Fleming asset) device. (Use Fleming’s VDI service instead).
  • Storing sensitive information in any system or application not provided by Fleming.

Policy & Operating Procedure:

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Article ID: 9196
Sat 3/16/24 11:15 AM
Sat 3/16/24 11:19 AM