
What is Slido?

Slido is an audience interaction platform that allows you to better engage your audience during on-line meetings.

What are the Slido Features that can be incorporated into Meetings?

  • Ask Questions – crowdsource the best questions from your audience
  • Ideas – brainstorm and curate your teams top ideas
  • Quizzes – make learning fun with live quizzes
  • Live Polls – engage your audience with live polls
  • Surveys – capture feedback from your participants
  • Analytics –  capture and analyze valuable insights from meetings


Available To:

All Users

What are the ways of using Slido?

    • You can access Slido directly in your Webex meeting, regardless of whether it’s a scheduled meeting or an ad-hoc meeting using your Personal Meeting Room.  But if you want to use SLIDO for class, you can directly add Slido to your power point presentation.

Once you’re in a Webex meeting, you can:

  1. Click the Apps button in the bottom right corner
  2. Select Slido

This will open a Slido sidebar where you can set everything up and control Slido as the Host of the meeting.

To Use Slido in Powerpoint

Download the Powerpoint extension click here

Here is how to use it in Powerpoint

NOTE: this is currently only available for Windows.  To use with MacOS, you need to download Switcher

Here is a quick tutorial on how to use switcher for Mac OS

Create your polls

Choose a poll type that you wish to use, add your question and either Save the poll for later or Launch it immediately.

If you want to ask multiple questions at once, you can create a Survey by clicking the folder icon at the top.

Launch and manage your polls

Once you’re ready to launch a poll, click the green Play icon next to it.

Click the three dots next to a poll to access its additional settings, such as Edit, Duplicate or Delete.

You can then use the buttons at the bottom to Hide results, Lock voting or Deactivate the poll completely.

Manage Audience Q&A

Audience Q&A is disabled by default in Webex Meetings. If you want to use it, switch over to the Q&A tab and click Enable Q&A. 

If you also want to review incoming questions before making them appear live for everyone to see, you can also Turn on moderation under the Review tab. 

If you’re using moderation, you can either Approve or Dismiss incoming questions.

For the questions which are Live, you can Highlight the question that’s being addressed so that everyone is on the same page. Afterwards, you can Mark it as answered, which will move it into the Archive tab, leaving room for other unanswered questions.

Display Slido Present mode

If you wish to display Slido Q&A or live polling in a bigger format than just in the sidebar in your Webex meeting, click the green Present Slido in a new tab button in the upper right corner.

This will open the Slido Present mode in your browser and you can then Share your screen in Webex to display it to your attendees.

Displaying the Present mode is also useful if you want to share Slido joining instructions for those who can’t interact with Slido directly in the Webex meeting client.5. How does SLIDO work for the attendees



Once you launch a poll, Slido sidebar will automatically pop up for your attendees, inviting them to submit their votes. If you’re showing poll results, participants can see them after they submit their vote.
Survey results are visible only to the Host.

Audience Q&A

If you’re using Q&A, your attendees can simply submit their questions either anonymously or with their names. They can also upvote the questions they like which have been submitted by someone else.

If you highlight a question, this will move it to the top of the list and show it highlighted in blue for the attendees.

Export your data after the meeting

If you wish to export the poll results or Q&A submissions once your meeting is over, you have to do so at

Make sure to Log in with Webex and then select the Slido event which you used during your meeting. Then, head over to the Analytics tab and then Export your collected data.


Service Level/Support

Service is available 24×7 except for scheduled maintenance

Technical Support provided by Fleming College ITS:

Phone: 1-866-353-6464 x4111 Option #1


Faculty can also contact for guidance on in-class use.


Q: I would like to use Slido in my meeting/lecture but don’t want to create it on the fly, what do I do?
A: Go to click on Login, and choose to Log in with Webex, make sure you use your Fleming College log in credentials, email address is first and network password.

Q: Is Slido available in the ‘new’ Webex Events?
A: Not yet, it will be available in version 41.9 mid to late September 2021

Q: Will Slido replace the traditional Webex Q&A
A: Yes, eventually, date not yet announced

Q: Can I use Slido in MS Teams?
A: Not just yet, but this feature is coming.

Best Practices

  1. Be intentional about your interactions with Slido
  2. Involve your audience even before your meeting, or class, or event, you have the ability to create an extractable link that can be sent in advance.
  3. Re-engage your participants every 5-7 minutes

Additional Resources:

Learn Everything about Setting up a SLIDO for your Class, Meeting or Event

Learn Everything about Running SLIDO in your Class, Meeting or Event

Learn Everything about Live Polls

Learn Everything about Q&A

Learn how to use SLIDO Analytics and Exports

Slido Community

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Article ID: 9466
Thu 4/11/24 12:58 PM
Fri 6/28/24 12:55 PM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

Slido can be used to create interactive presentations and virtual meetings using Webex, Microsoft Teams or PowerPoint.