Before uploading video content to MS Stream, be sure that your use of this service complies with Fleming’s Policies & Procedures, specifically:
- From a Personal Information (PI) and privacy perspective, you have the necessary consent from all individuals in your videos to collect, store and use videos that contain their likeness, as well as share/disclose it with your intended video audience. (Refer to the college’s PI policies for more information.)
- Your video will not violate the Copyright Act or the college’s Copyright Policy (#9-904).
- The content within the video does not violate the college’s Appropriate Use Policy (#6-601) or Code of Conduct.
Getting Started
- Login to Office365 directly or any Fleming Office365 service such as OneDrive or Outlook Web Access.
- In the top-left corner click the 9-dot waffle icon
> All Apps > scroll down and click on Stream
Video Sharing Permissions
When sharing video content the default visibility permission is “everyone in your organization”, which means everybody with a Fleming login account. By adjusting the permissions, you can limit a video’s visibility to just specific users or groups if desired.
At this time MS Stream do not support sharing video sharing externally to the public. Any viewer must first authenticate with Fleming credentials.
Video Transcription and Closed Captioning
Stream can generate a text transcription of your video using Automatic Speech Recognition technology. See instruction here on how to enable this feature when uploading a new video or to generate it for a video that already exists in your Stream library:
Learn Microsoft Stream