Teaching with WebEx


A guide on every tool WebEx offers for teachers and how you can best use them. The article also offers Frequently asked questions about teaching with WebEx


WebEx Practice Sessions & Online Virtual Drop-In for Faculty

Our Learning Design & Support Team has scheduled training sessions for using WebEx to host virtual classrooms.

Logging into WebEx

  1. Visit flemingcollege.webex.com
  2. Click “Sign In” on the top right of screen
  3. When prompted for “Email address” enter your Fleming College email address. (ex: Jane.Doe@flemingcollege.ca)Your email address is NOT the same format as your mycampus username ( DO NOT USE THIS FORMAT: jdoe@flemingcollege.ca)
    If you do not know your Fleming College email address you can find it by logging into mycampus.flemingcollege.ca and then click this link: outlook.office.com/people/
  4. On the following Fleming branded page please enter your mycampus username and password and click “Sign In“You should now have access to Fleming College licensed WebEx services. If you are prompted to create an account please review Step 3 and verify you are using your Fleming College email in the correct format.


How do I schedule my class in Webex?

Faculty do not need to book a meeting in Webex for each class.   The easiest way to invite your students to a class is to use your Personal Room.

Confirming your Personal Meeting Room

  • Go to https://flemingcollege.webex.com/
  • Click “Sign In” button in top right of screen
  • When prompted, enter your email address
  • You will then be asked for your Fleming username and password
  • Your Personal Meeting Room will be displayed just above “More ways to join”.  The format will be “http://flemingcollege.webex.com/meet/firstname.lastname”


Inviting students to your Virtual Classroom (Personal Meeting Room)

Invite students to your Personal Room by sending them the link you confirmed above.   You can email them the link or post it to their D2L course page.   Students can then click the link and login from any computer with an internet connection.


Download and Install Cisco Webex Meetings

Download Desktop App


Any computer with an internet connection can use Webex this includes, all computers at the College as well as personal desktops/laptops.

Faculty and staff will also require a microphone for audio.   Most webcams have a microphone built-in that can be used.   Webcams can also be used if desired.


Students can join the virtual classroom from any computer that has internet access.  Students will require a microphone if they wish to talk during the session   They may optionally use a webcam as well.


Host a Virtual Class with Personal Meeting Room:

  • Plug-in your webcam
  • If you are using a headset or separate microphone, plug this into your computer
  • More information on connecting your audio
  • Launch the Cisco Webex Meetings
  • Click “Sign In” button in top right of screen
  • When prompted, enter your email address
  • You will then be asked for your Fleming username and password
  • Click “Start a Meeting” button
  • If you have webcam, it will be activated by default.  Clicking the camera icon at the bottom of the image will disable it for the session. More information on managing your video
  • Click “Start Meeting”


Sharing your screen:

  • You can choose to share your screen or a specific application.  Click the “Share” button on the desired screen or application.
  • Here is information Sharing Content


Ending your Meeting:

  • When your meeting has ended, click the red X button

WebEx Meeting Best Practices:

As the host, you are the final decision maker concerning the security settings of your meeting.

You control nearly every aspect of the meeting, including when it begins and ends.

Follow the security best practices for to protect your attendees, and keep meetings and your information secure

  • Do not post your meeting information anywhere. Especially on social media.
  • Do not share your audio PIN, meeting host key, or Personal Room host PIN with anyone.
  • Provide meeting passwords only to users who need them.
  • Disable participant screen sharing or file sharing
  • Never share sensitive information in your meeting until you are certain who is in attendance.
  • Keep your Webex software updated.

As the host, you should apply these settings to every meeting as soon as the meeting is started:

  1. Mute Participants on Entry

    Hosts can mute individual participants or the entire group:

    Individual: To mute or unmute specific people, go to the Participants panel, find their name, and select Mute Image of mute icon when un-muted. or Unmute Image of mute icon when muted..
    Everyone: You can also mute everyone at once or as they join the meeting.
    Muting everyone at once, from the Participant menu, select Mute All or Unmute All.
    Muting everyone as they join the meeting, from the Participant menu, select Mute on Entry.
  2. Disable “Anyone Can Share”

  3. Lock your Meeting Room

    • During a meeting in your Personal Room, go to More options Image of more options icon. in the meeting controls, and then choose Lock Meeting or Unlock Meeting.

    More info from Cisco about locking rooms.


How to Keep the Participant Panel Easily Accessible:

Make sure the “Participants” panel is always open by clicking the Participants icon on the main screen:

WebEx Participants Panel Toggle

WebEx Participants Panel Toggle

In the event a participant is disruptive there are several actions the host can take. These are available by right clicking on the user in the participant panel. The key ones are MuteStop Video, and in extreme cases Expel the participant.

If you expel someone, make sure you lock the room. The user will not be able to return.


Secure Your Personal Meeting Room:

We recommend always scheduling a meeting with a password, but if you do use your personal room please edit the room preferences to make it more secure.

Log into https://flemingcollege.webex.com and click Preferences in the left column. It will look like this:

WebEx Meeting Preferences Screenshot

WebEx Meeting Preferences Screenshot

We recommend setting: 

      1. Select Automatically lock my room and set the time.  Anyone trying to join after the meeting room has been locked will be placed in the lobby and will require authorization to enter the meeting.
      2. Make sure Notify me by email when someone enters my Personal Room is checked.
      3. Uncheck Let others host my Personal Room meetings without me.
      4. If you need the ability to allow specific people to host your Personal Room meetings:
        1. Check Let others host my Personal Room meetings without me.

Do *NOT* enable Allow anyone with a host account on this site…



I’m using a College Meeting Room that has Webex enabled, my meeting is requesting a “Host Pin”.  How do you set/locate this?

  • Login to WebEx (https://webex.flemingcollege.ca
  • The host pin never changes, you can modify it to something that you’ll never forget
  • Click  “My Personal Room”
  • Click “Preferences”

I don’t have a webcam and/or headset.  Does ITS supply these?

ITS has a number of webcams for staff and faculty to use.   These are available from the Service Desk at Sutherland and Frost.

Additional Teaching Resources to Prepare for Online Teaching:

Getting started with virtual education presented by Dr Lance Ford


Recording: https://go.webex.com/go/lsr.php?RCID=c057dfe6ab2ebed5639a78d67ebddb50

Password: Covid-19


For teachers on remote classroom best practices, presented by Lauren Hamill a recent K-12 teacher turned webex advocate


Quick training videos:


Getting started with Webex:

CiscoAW-Covid Response- One Pager – Low bandwidth

CiscoAW-Covid Response- One Pager – Remote working Best Practices

Integrating WebEx Into the Classroom 


WebEx is a video conferencing tool that can be integrated into the classroom. It can be used to fill in student and teacher needs where traditional learning cannot be supported or to enhance existing classroom learning. WebEx can be used online for distance learners, Offline for in-class students or as a hybrid.


Offline use

In-classroom lectures can be recorded and saved to the cloud or a personal drive to be used later. Occurrences for this can be the teacher is unable to be available for the same subject with a different group of students. Give students who are not able to attend class the ability to see the recorded presentation. And to have an extra resource for students to use when studying for an exam.

Online Use

WebEx can be used for Faculty and students who don’t have a permanent physical location to attend a standard classroom, or to create space in an institution that is heavily used and lacks physical classroom space.

With the lack of domestic students in large concentrations, online teaching with WebEx can bring students all over the country to attend Fleming without the cost of travel. It gives them more choice for their educational needs.

It also can be used to teach international students in their own country.


Hybrid Use

WebEx can be used for both online students and offline students based on the needs of the individual. Faculty can teach to a class in the classroom while having additional students attend online. This is useful when seating in the classroom is limited or students are too far away to physically attend. Additionally, it can help students that are hospitalized or have a disability keeping them at home to continue their education.

Faculty can also teach from another location if needed. Aside from emergency situations it might be that the institution may have need of a person with skills that are difficult to find locally. Allowing faculty to teach from another location such as another province this will increase the chance to find the candidate to fill the teaching role the institution requires.

The faculty can also belong to another institution and if there are agreements between two different institutions the teacher can use another colleges or universities space and technology to aid in online teaching.




Article ID: 9737
Fri 5/10/24 10:04 AM
Mon 6/24/24 9:24 AM

Related Services / Offerings

Related Services / Offerings (1)

The Cisco Webex suite of real-time collaboration tools provides chat, video/voice meetings & calls, screen sharing & whiteboard and more.