FAQ: Microsoft Home Use Program (HUP) for Staff


Frequently asked questions regarding Microsoft home use programs (HUP.)


See the full list of Microsoft FAQs here.

Q: The price is wrong, it’s way too high.
A: You are seeing the retail price.  Repeat steps 4 & 5 above.  You may need to use a private Browser session to ensure that you are logged in with your PERSONAL account, and not your Fleming account.

Q: Can I buy this software for a Fleming asset device?
A: No, this software is for home-use personal, non-College asset devices only.  For College asset devices, contact IT Support to request available software at no additional cost to you or the College.

Technical Support provided by Fleming College ITS:



Article ID: 9793
Tue 5/14/24 2:38 PM
Fri 5/17/24 3:00 PM

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The Microsoft (MS) Home Use Program (HUP) allows staff to purchase MS Project 2019 and MS Visio 2019 for home use on personal (non-college) asset devices for a low cost.