Report a Security Incident

Service Overview

Report any computer-related security issues. Centralized reporting and review of suspected security incidents helps to ensure an appropriate response to protect your personal account, devices and any confidential data.

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Getting Started

Click the [ Report a Security Incident ] button to create an incident ticket providing as much relevant information as possible.

What qualifies as a “privacy or information security incident”?

A privacy incident occurs when personal information is accessed, collected, used, disclosed, or disposed of without proper authorization. An information security incident is the suspected or actual unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, or destruction of Fleming College electronic information or interference with information technology operations.

Some common examples of privacy or information security incidents that should be reported include:

  • You suspect there is malware or a virus on your device.
  • You have sent personal information to the wrong person by mistake.
  • You received or responded to a phishing email.
  • A mobile device you use to access Fleming services was lost or stolen.
  • Somebody broke into your office and may have seen or stolen confidential files.
  • You think a Fleming website/system you manage or use has been hacked.
  • Your computer is acting strangely.

What should I do?

If a device you use to access Fleming services was lost or stolen:

  • On Campus: Contact local law enforcement, call Fleming Campus Security at 705-749-5530 x8000, and use the [ Report a Security Incident ] form to create an incident ticket.
  • Off Campus: Contact local law enforcement and use the [ Report a Security Incident ] form to create an incident ticket.

For a privacy breach incident, follow the steps in the Privacy Breach Reporting Procedure (Personal Information) – College Operating Procedure 111-1C.

For all other information security incidents during business hours:

  • Use the [ Report a Security Incident ] form to create an incident ticket and provide as much relevant information as possible.
  • Call the IT Service Desk at 1-866-353-6464 x4111

For urgent assistance after-hours assistance during evenings and weekends:

  • Call 705-749-5530 x1615 to speak to the on-call member of the ITS Leadership Team. This response is best-effort and triaged by the ITS Leadership Team. This means we will assess the problem severity use “call-back” processes in the collective agreement and attempt to solve the problem.
Report a Security Incident

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Service ID: 4570
Thu 3/14/24 7:13 PM
Tue 5/21/24 2:39 PM