Team Dynamix (TDX)

Service Overview

Team Dynamix (TDX) is the college's new IT Service Management (ITSM) and Enterprise Service Management (ESM) system. Service divisions at the college are encouraged to upgrade from our legacy Cerb ticket application and Affinity/Department for publishing service catalog and knowledge base information.

Available To

All Users are clients of the system.

Staff using the system to deliver service to clients are considered "TDX Agents" in the system. Use [ Create Ticket ] to request agent support or the development of a new in-take form.

Getting Started

Any client of a service area using TDX should start by:

  1. Visit  Fleming's TDX Service Portal available at 
  2. Search for or navigate to the appropriate service catalog category and entry
  3. Use the [ Create Ticket ] or similar action button to initiate a service or support request, login is required.

Clients can also view their existing tickets. 

Staff who are TDX Agents can log in by clicking the TDX Agent Login link located in the footer of each TDX page.

Additional Information

Visit Fleming's Team Dynamix Knowledge Base category to find answers to common questions by our users and TDX agents.

Visit the vendor's Team Dynamix Solutions Portal for an expansive catalog of product support, knowledge-base content and training information.

Create Ticket

Related Articles (3)

Tasks and Activities can be added to the tickets without Start and Due dates.
Team Dynamix (TDX) is the college's new IT Service Management (ITSM) and Enterprise Service Management (EMS) system. Service divisions at the college are encouraged to upgrade and switch from using Cerb for tickets and Affinity/Department for publishing service catalogues and knowledge-base style content.
TeamDynamix (TDX) is a well-known IT service management (ITSM) & enterprise service management (ESM) that utilizes a single platform in order to improve your workflow, and allow for easier enterprise integration. Like most powerful applications TDX has a learning curve. You can easily find yourself lost, or overwhelmed during your first exhibition within the platform. To combat this, TDX has provided a comprehensive article on technician training.


Service ID: 4624
Sun 3/24/24 12:54 PM
Wed 8/28/24 11:31 AM