
Service Overview

Turnitin is an Internet-based text matching software that scans submitted work, and compares it to material in public websites, academic journals and to assignments concurrently or previously submitted to Turnitin. After scanning, sections of a submission are outlined in colour in an originality report. Turnitin holds a database of all student papers previously submitted worldwide, current and archived internet web sites, periodicals/journals, books and other publications.

Available To

Staff & students 

Getting Started

To get started with Turnitin you'll first need to create an account. For an in depth guide on the account create process, please refer to the video found below: 

To further understand the Turnitin platform, we recommend the following video that details how to better understand the similarity reports Turnitin produces: 

For more information regarding Turnitin @ Fleming, please refer to the link below: 

Student Use 

Turnitin is integrated into Fleming's D2L platform and allows students to use its reports during their proofreading processes - the software shows you where plagiarism concerns may exist within your assignment and will make recommendations on what corrections may be needed.

For questions regarding the Turnitin platform, use the [Create Ticket] Button to request IT support

To learn more about using Tunrnitin as as student, please refer to the guide linked below: 

Create Ticket


Service ID: 5363
Wed 8/28/24 3:37 PM
Wed 8/28/24 3:39 PM