Adding Signature for Comments/Replies

Tags TDX Signature


Adding email signature for replies/comments for tickets and tasks.

How to Add a Signature 

  1. Login to TDNext
  2. On top right corner click on your Name and choose "My Profile"Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  3. Choose Settings >>EditUploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  4. Scroll down to "Technician Signature" and please choose following Template for signature .
  5. Please make sure to check both the boxes Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Signature Template

Worked by "YourFullName"
""Department Name""- ""Position Name""

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Worked by John Doe
ITS - Service Desk

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

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Article ID: 10154
Mon 6/24/24 12:22 PM
Mon 6/24/24 12:24 PM