Check The Status Of Evolve Cybersecurity Training


The Cybersecurity training module is a required module for all staff members that uses real world simulations to educate and test a staff members ability to spot common place scams.

Checking Your Status 

  • Begin by navigating to your myCampus page here, and signing in
  • Once signed in select the "more" option within "Staff Resources" 

  • Select "Learning and Development" 

  • Once in the "Learning and Development" menu, select "Mandatory Training" 

  • Once in the "Mandatory Training" menu Select the icon left of CYBERSECURITY AWANRESS 2024 *EMPLOYEES ONLY*

  • If your training has been completed you will see the following page


Frequently Asked Questions 

Q: Why does the cybersecurity training platform indicates a course is not complete when I have taken the course and completed the quizzes?


A: This can occur when the 'Complete Course' button (blue) is missed on the very last slide. It. happens most likely as the webpage prior produces a pop-up windows so it's easy to get missed.

Can you go back through Course 106 (no need to re-do the Final Quiz in Evolve) and look for the 'Complete Course' button (blue).




Link to Cybersecurity Awareness training

Q: How to check my Evolve status for Cybersecurity Awareness training?


A: Follow this click path to access the Evolve training page:
My Campus > Staff Resources > More > Learning and Development > Mandatory Training > Cybersecurity and Privacy Awareness Training (CYBR24)

Additional Information

If any assistance is required please use the link below to request IT support: 

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Article ID: 10352
Fri 7/12/24 3:48 PM
Fri 7/12/24 3:48 PM