OP #6-604C Information Security Incident Management

Tags ITS Procedure


Compromises in information security can potentially occur at every level of computing from an individual's desktop computer to the largest and best-protected systems at the College. Incidents can be accidental or deliberate attempts to break into systems; purpose or consequence can be from benign to malicious. Regardless, each incident requires a careful response, at a level commensurate with its potential to cause harm to an individual and the College.

The purpose of this procedure is to enable an efficient and coordinated response to a security incident, to clarify the roles and responsibilities, and establish a process to investigate, identify the scope of, contain and remediate the information security incident.

This procedure sets out the steps to take when any member of the College Community becomes aware or suspects that an information security incident has occurred. It is important to act immediately, review and if necessary, repeat some of the steps in the below procedure.

Use the link below to the view the procedure in full: 

OP #6-604C Information Security Incident Management

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Mon 7/22/24 12:21 PM
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