Microsoft Office 365 FAQ


Q: What login name do I use?
A: Login with <username> (Using your email address, (e.g. will not work in most cases.)

Q: Can I use OneDrive sync?
A: No, this service is currently disabled.

Q: Can I subscribe to Cortana ‘Your daily briefing’ emails?
A: Yes, you can subscribe to these emails here. Learn more about the daily briefing service here.

Q: Can I use Microsoft Office 365 applications on my mobile devices?
A: Yes, go to the App store\Google Play to download the applications. Use your Fleming College email, then login credentials to license the application.

Q: How Long will I be able to access Microsoft Office 365?
A: You will be able to access Microsoft Office 365 while you have an active Fleming College network account.

Q: What is the maximum attachment size for email?
A: 25MB

Q: Can I schedule and have a webex meeting using MS Teams?
A: Yes

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Article ID: 9256
Wed 3/20/24 1:37 PM
Thu 5/16/24 11:20 AM

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