Fleming SSO Network Account

Service Overview

Every individual who is authorized to use Fleming's IT resources is assigned a single sign-on (SSO) network account. Student accounts are automatically created upon enrolment and staff accounts upon hire.

Available To

Active Students and Employees. (See the Account Lifecycle section below for a definition of "active".)

At the request of hiring managers, "Student Employee" accounts are available to provide new student employees with a dedicated account for their employee work.

College Administrators can request third-party accounts for special circumstances.

Getting Started

Students: Visit the Fleming College MyCampus portal and click the [ New to Fleming? ] button to obtain your username and initial password.
Staff: New staff should contact their supervisor or hiring delegate to obtain their initial login information.

Upon first log in you will be required to register for multi-factor authentication (MFA) to help keep your account secure. See our MFA service page for more details.

Also, don't forget to change your initial password to something unique and known only to you.

Account Lifecycle

As per the College's IT User Account Management Policy 6-602, IT user accounts are provided to conduct college-related activities. As such, when an individual's active relationship with the college has ended, so too does their IT user account and associated access privileges. The lifecycle timelines for this are:

Student accounts are disabled 16 months after their last timetable course and subsequently deleted 8 months after that, for a total retention time of 24 months.

Staff accounts are disabled upon their employment end date and subsequently deleted 24 months after that. For contract faculty, the "contract end date" is not necessarily the same as the "employment end date".

Additional Information

Format: Your username is 8 characters or less and combines letters from your first and last names, e.g. jsmith. It is sometimes also written as username@flemingcollege.ca. While this is an alternate email address for your account, it is not your primary email address. Your primary Fleming email address follows the naming convention of FirstName.LastName@flemingcollege.ca, e.g. john.smith@flemingcollege.ca

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The below services use our SSO service for authentication. During SSO outages and maintenance, these services will not be available.


Service ID: 4564
Tue 3/12/24 4:54 PM
Tue 6/25/24 1:04 AM