Set ticket status to On-Hold and re-open at a later date


In TDX you can place a ticket on-hold by setting the status to "On-Hold" and have it re-open to resume work at a desired date automatically.


1. Access the desired ticket that you would like to place On-Hold

2. Click the "Update" button

3. Change the status to "On Hold"

4. Select the desired date that you want the ticket to re-open itself. Tickets will re-open into the "In Progress" status once re-opened.

Not selecting a date for the "Goes off Hold" field will result in the ticket never leaving the "On Hold" status.

5. Click save in the window to save your status change.

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Article ID: 10591
Tue 8/13/24 2:45 PM
Thu 9/5/24 10:46 AM