TDX Change Management Process

Tags TDX TDX-Agent


This article summarizes the processes used to manage changes to Fleming's Team Dynamix (TDX) Service Portal. The TDX application is managed and supported by the Fleming ITS team.

IT Change Process by Module

The ITS Department welcomes suggestions for improvement to all aspects of our TDX application use, including the content of our Service Catalog (SC) and Knowledge Base (KB). All users are invited to submit ideas, suggestions and information corrections to the ITS department using the TDX service catalog page.

All ITS Department staff have "Technician" level access within the TDX system, referred to as "ITS Technicians" in this article.

IT Knowledge Base (KB) - all ITS Technicians can create, edit and maintain knowledge base articles to efficiently communicate with our end user base and help maintain the quality of such documentation. Article authors should use their judgment on when to consult with their manager, service owners and internal subject matter experts (SMEs) for any notable or substantive changes to KB documentation. A peer review of all content changes is recommended but not required. TDX keeps a revision history of all KB changes to ensure transparency and accountability on KB changes.

IT Service Catalog (SC) - The ITS management team is responsible for defining the IT Service Catalog with input from the IT Governance committees and technical SMEs. Except for very minor corrections or updates, IT Technician should only create or edit Service and Service Offering pages at the direction of a manager responsible for the respective service or service area. The manager should also approve the final SC entry content.

Ticket Forms (part of SC) - the ticket "action" form included with each service catalog entry is part of the service catalog that captures user information via a form to create a ticket in the TDX Ticket Application. Unless otherwise customized, all services in the catalog default to a basic intake form for the ticket action button. As part of the Service Catalog, the ITS management team is also responsible for deciding upon the final design and change approval of a service's intake/request forms. IT Technician should only create or edit Service and Service Offering form(s) at the direction of a manager responsible for the respective service or service area. The form designs, data model & data fields and related workflows, can be quite complex. Because of this, all ticket form and workflow changes should follow this change process:

  1. Requirements and design - find the balance of broad versus narrow request types and how much information to request on the initial intake form. This typically involves the service manager, an SME or a Technician who typically actions the requests and sometimes representation from the users who regularly use the form.
  2. Implement and test in the TDX development system - this is done by a TDX application administrator and/or developer
  3. Document the change using a "TDX Dev Admin" (ticket type) Change Form
  4. Obtain IT management approval using the "Single IT Manager" approval workflow.
  5. Implement in the TDX production environment.
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