Bulk/Mass Email

Service Overview

Depending on the nature of the email and intended audience, there are a few tools we use to send mass email.

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Getting Started

Click [ Create Ticket ] to request a bulk mail setup.

The ITS department will work with authorized senders to facilitate appropriate solutions for mass email communications.

The primary technical and legal considerations are as follows:

  • Number of People — How many people will receive the mass email, after sending a single email or multiple emails within a 24-hour period?
  • Internal or External Recipients — Are the recipients’ addresses internal (@flemingcollege.ca), external, or a mix of both?
  • Purpose of Email — Is the email part of an existing College relationship or business/academic “transaction”? Or, are you encouraging people to participate in a “new” commercial activity (e.g., promoting the sale of a product or service), qualifying your email as a commercial electronic message (CEM), according to Canada’s Anti-spam Legislation (CASL)Review information about CASL. CEM emails sent to external recipients must be CASL-compliant; otherwise, the College could face financial penalties.

Your Options, in Order of Preference

1) Stay Within the Default Allowable Mail Volume Settings for Fleming Email Users

  • Within any one (1) day, emails never cumulatively exceed 800 internal recipients or 400 external recipients.
  • Emails are not intended to encourage people to participate in a commercial activity, according to CASL.

2) Use an Internal Distribution List

Internal distribution lists should be used for defined groups of internal recipients, with which the College regularly communicates. Work with ITS and your senior leader either to request access to existing distribution lists or to create a new one. Preferably, email sent to large internal distribution lists come from “internal-role” mailboxes (e.g., from the EVP, VP, etc.).

Request access to an internal distribution list for emails that meet the following criteria:

  • You wish to send emails to more than 800 internal recipients.
  • Email content can not be customized per recipient.
  • The target list of recipients is fixed, static or slowly changing. 
  • The list of target recipients can be defined by a dynamic PeopleSoft data query of the HR or Student Information System.

3) Use a Bulk Mailing Service & Mail Merge

Request access to the College’s bulk mailing service (AWS SES) for emails that meet the following criteria:

  • You wish to send emails to more than 400 external recipients.
  • Your emails are “transactional-based” and are not intended to encourage people to participate in commercial activities, according to CASL.
  • Emails can be customized per recipient using mail merge.
  • The list of recipients is unique and will not be reused.

4) Use a CASL-Compliant “Campaign” Mailer Tool

If you are emailing more than 400 external recipients with a commercial electronic message (CEM)—as per the CASL definition—the use of a campaign mailer tool is required to ensure that the communication does not violate Canada’s anti-spam legislation, which could result in legal penalties and fines.

Request access to a campaign mailer tool for emails that meet the following criteria:

  • You wish to send emails to more than 400 external recipients.
  • Your emails are intended to encourage people to participate in a new commercial activity and qualify as a CEM, according to CASL.

Additional Information

Read more about the Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL).

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Service ID: 4664
Sun 3/31/24 11:46 AM
Thu 9/12/24 12:04 AM