Wi-Fi / Wireless (On-Campus)

Service Overview

Wi-Fi services are available throughout the College’s indoor campus spaces.

Available To

Students, staff & guests.

Getting Started

To use on-campus Wi-Fi you will need:

  • an active Fleming network account is required to connect to all on-campus wireless networks except Fleming_Guest.
  • a modern Wi-Fi capable device

 Quick Connection details for each Wireless Network Name / SSID

Students - Log in with your Fleming username and password.

Staff - Log in with your Fleming username and password.

Fleming Residence - Log in with your Fleming username and password. (Available only in Fleming residence buildings.)

The networks above use WPA2-Enterprise as the wireless security authentication protocol. If your Wi-Fi device does not support the WPA2-Enterprise protocol, you can only use the open guest network where available.

Fleming_Guest - No credentials are required for this open network.

Can't Connect?

See this knowledge base page for more connection details and trouble-shooting tips.

The following devices are known NOT to support WPA2-Enterprise:

  • Kindle Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi + 3G
  • Xbox 360 S or Xbox wireless networking adapter
  • Sony Playstation 3, 4, 5 and Sony PSP
  • Nintendo Wii, DS, DSi and 3DS
  • Apple TV 1st and 2nd Generation
  • Nook v1.5
  • Roku HD/XD/XDS Streaming Player
  • TiVo Wireless Network Adapter

Students in residence wanting to connect any of these devices to the Internet can also consider using the ResNet service to hardwire devices to the network with the appropriate adapter.

Create Ticket

Related Articles (1)

Certificate and domain settings for connecting to the wireless internet On-campus


Service ID: 4724
Tue 4/9/24 9:33 AM
Thu 9/5/24 9:19 AM